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Connect Education Trust

Year 5 text maps

This week, Year 5 have been immersing themselves in a new unit in English: non-fiction explanation texts.

We have been interrogating both the language and structural features which make these texts unique. To do so, we have been finding explanation texts in real life, annotating and innovating our WAGOLL and rehearsing our text map.


“Text maps are really important as they help us understand what the text is about and how we can write something similar." Adalane - Neptune.

“When we learn the next text type, we compete in races within our class: who can do it the fastest, who can use the most expression and can we be better than our teacher." Andreas - Neptune.

“We flashback to our text map when we are writing our hot write or at the end of each lesson as it acts as a reminder of what we could include to be successful.” Ceren - Neptune.

All of the teachers have been amazed at our intonation, pace and actions. Amazingly, we have been practising at school and at home for our home learning. Take a look at our rehearsal shots and videos of us in action!