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Connect Education Trust

First prize short story!

When Gulcihan, Puffin class started in reception, she wasn't able to speak English. But today, Gulcihan's story "Cherry’s Big Dream" has received first prize in the Enfield learns together - Short story competition 2020. Gulcihan won the Year 2 category.  Please read her story below.


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Cherry. She had curly blond, shiny like sun and glamorous hair. She had ruddy-cheeked, beady eyes and pink lips. Her biggest dream was getting into mischief. Because she had never been naughty before. She wondered if what was it like to be naughty. So she decided to go out and explore it. Firstly, she looked at the fishes which swimming in the small blue stream. They were swimming calmly. They never looked naughty. Then, she looked at the diligent ants on the ground. They were walking stoutly and carrying pieces of bread on their back. They never looked naughty. After that, She saw two grey, fat and long-eared rabbit. The rabbits were eating juicy, fresh and orange-coloured carrots. They never looked naughty. 

Finally, Cherry gave up to explore and returned home. She felt bored herself. Suddenly, she saw the crayons and some papers on the white coffee table. She started painting but she was a little careless and accidentally painted the surface of the table. She tried to clean the table but all of a sudden, she realized that had a chance for being naughty! She scribbled the white table's surface, with drawings of birds, flowers, rainbow and sun. Cherry's mother, father, and baby sister came into the room. They gazed at her  and said: "What a naughty girl!"