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Thank a Teacher Day!

May 20 marked a very special day for those of us in the education sector: National Thank a Teacher Day!

t was a difficult and unusual day for many of us as we miss teaching our children in physical classrooms, seeing their smiling faces and supporting those light bulb moments, but we are so very thankful to those within our Grange Park community that went out of their way to say thank you. 

We have had messages of thanks through Google Classroom, virtual certificates handed out and some lovely collaborative class videos that have been passed around the teaching staff resulting in many tears! We have even had some messages of thanks sent to us through which has been wonderful. 

Much appreciated was the thanks sent by The Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson: “Thank a Teacher Day gives us all a great opportunity to thank everyone working in education, but I especially wanted to express my respect and admiration for all staff in nurseries, schools and colleges for going above and beyond to help this country tackle coronavirus and continue to support young people.”

So, from all of us in the Grange Park family, thank you for the thank yous!