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Connect Education Trust

Early number sense

At home, creating a poster to represent the number ten

 We would like to congratulate all our Nursery children for their incredible achievements this year. We are extremely proud of you as you move on to new beginnings in Reception. Farewell to all the Acorns leaving us, we will miss you. We look forward to seeing those of you who are staying on at Grange Park when you return in September. Have a lovely Summer - Aine, Andrea and Silan.

Nursery children have been busy at home and school developing their ‘early number sense’,  investigating numbers and visualising them in a variety of ways. They have created number posters collaboratively and individually, to represent numbers to ten and explored different arrangements of numbers using dice and Numicon.

At home, making the number eight

The children developed their awareness of the relationship between number and quantity using giant Numicon and small objects

At school, Bubble A and B created large number posters; working together to represent numbers in imaginative ways e.g. drawing around a circle to show the number one because ‘it has one side’

At home, taking the lead as class teacher, using symbols to represent numbers to 10 on a large whiteboard

Getting creative with numbers